Corporate Training Events

Corporate Training Events

Employee Self-Defense Training

It’s a clear, sunny day in Cedar City, Utah. The instructor patrols his line of trainees as they take aim at their targets. At his word the group collectively squeeze their triggers, interrupting the day’s quiet with the crack of firing weapons. Their faux aggressors are assaulted by a billowing cloud of white powder, and the trainees grin. That was fun!

We couldn’t have been more pleased with the day’s success, a pilot of the “Train the Trainers” program from HERO Defense Systems. A personal safety training course for corporate groups, it’s an organized approach to self-defense training focused on the importance of having a “Go-To Plan” for dangerous situations. Trainees learn about situational awareness and preparation while experiencing hands-on product and scenario training.

David Clemons, CEO and Co-Founder at HERO®, personally delivered a batch of HERO 2020s to the retreat.  

“The excitement in the air was simply wonderful. LearnKey, Know Your Talents, and BLS were kind enough to host the event. I want to personally thank Jeff Coruccini, CEO of LearnKey, for offering this potentially life saving training program to his entire company. The employees we worked with truly appreciated the concern, and action taken, for their personal safety.”

At HERO® we recognize the world is changing, and with it just about every aspect of our lives. Where we live and work, where and how we drive, the places we take our families and travel. It’s been rough for everyone. But change shouldn’t have to be scary. We know people can navigate a changing world with confidence – provided they have the tools and training to do so.

That’s what the Train the Trainers program is all about. 

It was such an honor and treat to help our Cedar City friends, check out the video below for some highlights.

We can’t wait for our next training day! If you’re a group in Utah interested in our program, call or send us a message – we’d love to hear from you.


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