Wayne Allyn Root talks HERO
“A lot of listeners are afraid of guns, and afraid of walking around with a gun, and afraid of killing a bad guy because of the legal implications – whether it’s go to jail or get sued. This solves all those problems.” That’s what iHeart radio show host Wayne Allyn Root had to say after test firing the HERO 2020 outside his building. Wayne met with our co-founder and CEO David Clemons to try out the award winning product. The two had a great time firing at targets with training rounds in the parking lot.
“I think it’s the product of the year!”
– Wayne Allyn Root
David later joined Wayne on the air to talk about the need for less-lethal, HERO’s track record for winning awards, and our upcoming product AIIRO. Check out the full interview below, including a special offer for all of Wayne’s listeners!