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Only a few decades ago the public could rely on police response, avoid areas with high crime, and choose to live in safe neighborhoods. Today crime and violence have spilled into the day to day lives of people everywhere. HERO® PROTECTED is asking everyone an important question: who is going to protect you?

Woman aiming HERO 2020 with blinding stun light at the camera

Training Videos

We can’t stress enough how important training is to personal defense. Develop the knowledge and reflexes to act when it matters most! Start your training today.

HERO® Videos

Check out our HERO® videos below to learn more about our products and mission!

What is HERO®

HERO® CEO and Co-Founder David Clemons offers his thoughts on what HERO® is and what it means to different people.

Challenges and Technology

HERO® co-founder Dan Danowski talks about the challenges and solutions of technology and the love of his daughter.

Miniaturizing Technology

Dan shares insights on the challenge and fun of miniaturizing technology including the many failures, and ultimate success of HERO®.

HERO® 2020 Product of the Year

HERO® 2020 wins Self Defense Product of the Year at Shot Show 2020! Nominated by American Outdoors

Trying out HERO® 2020

Living remotely means being prepared for anything! Lori and her Mom felt the power, reliability, and simplicity of HERO® 2020


Check out a brief overview of our sticky gel defense product. Compact, concealable, and easy to use!

AIIRO® Product of the Year

AIIRO® was awarded the Personal Protection Product of the Year by American Outdoors!

Learn More ABout Our Products


HERO® 2020

Self defense product of the year! Powerful protection when you need, packed with features, and easy to conceal and use.

AIIRO Angled - Char


The new shape of less-lethal. Affordable gel based defense the size of a cell phone.

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