HERO Story: Saving Lives
Radio talk show host Jesse Kelly shares a listener’s HERO story – a personal and frightening moment which was overcome with HERO 2020.
Radio talk show host Jesse Kelly shares a listener’s HERO story – a personal and frightening moment which was overcome with HERO 2020.
Most have a spare tire and a first aid kit for road safety, but many forget the most important component: themselves and their passengers.
Home defense is more important than ever. The FBI reports 1.5 million burglaries occurred in 2022, that’s one every 22.6 seconds. Over a quarter happened while someone was home! Are you prepared?
Join HERO on GunStuff.TV live today at 2pm ET on Facebook, and Twitter, and Rumble!
This Veterans Day we hope you’ll take a moment to recognize those who have served our country in the armed forces. We’d like to shine a spotlight on one of our own at HERO, Adam Innes.
David Clemons once more joined KHOW Talk Radio host Michael Brown to discuss our newest product, AIIRO®.
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